
Showing posts from April, 2020

A god in our image

And then man said: "Let us make God in our image." (Insert car tire screeching sound) Sounds absurd, right? Heretical. So let's take a couple of steps back. Let me explain what I mean. As early as in the first chapter of the Bible it is stated that God created humans in his image and likeness (Genesis 1:27). God made us somewhat like him. Thousands of pages have been written about what it means to bear the image of God, and I do not intend in this post to develop that idea, but let’s agree on something: God is the creator, human beings are part of  creation; God is the active agent, and humans are passive. And even in the face of that beautiful reality of being by design similar to God, it is also clear that we are infinitely different. Biblical history shows us not only a God who designs the universe and runs it (analogy of the watchmaker), but one who is involved in creation. Rather than remain a distant script writer or director, he enters history...

Un dios a nuestra imagen

Y dijo el hombre: "hagamos a Dios a nuestra imagen”. (Inserta sonido de gomas frenando en la carretera) Suena absurdo, ¿no?  Herético.  Demos un par de pasos hacia atrás. Permítanme explicar a qué me refiero. Tan temprano como en el primer capítulo de la Biblia se afirma que Dios creó al ser humano a su imagen y semejanza (Génesis 1:27). Dios nos hizo en cierta manera parecidos a él. Miles de páginas se han escrito sobre lo que significa llevar la imagen de Dios, y no pretendo en este escrito desarrollar ese tema, pero de algo estamos de acuerdo: Dios es el creador, el ser humano es parte de su creación; Dios es el agente activo, el ser humano el pasivo. Y aún ante esa realidad hermosa de ser por diseño parecidos a Dios, queda también claro que somos infinitamente distintos.  La historia bíblica nos muestra no solo un Dios que diseña el universo y lo echa a correr (analogía del relojero), sino que se involucra en la creación. En lugar de mantenerse co...

Feeble faith

By Charlotte Maltés Feeble Faith Our family loves playing games.  If while reading that you pictured a perfect family in perfect harmony, well I’m sorry to burst your bubble. We are a happy, fun loving family but things can get a little crazy on game night. One of our favorites is Jenga. We’re all super careful each turn we get to remove a wooden block from the narrow column to place it back on top without making it tumble.  All of us… except for Sara.  The youngest member of our clan goes right in. Watching her play is not for the faint of heart. Fearless, she just goes for it and every time we think her dive in method will fail, to our surprise, it does not.  This got me thinking. What if we approached faith and the gospel the same way Sara does Jenga?  What if we applied the same go for it formula instead of treating it like a delicate structure ready to fall at the slightest threat?  What if we went all out with our faith...