A god in our image
And then man said: "Let us make God in our image." (Insert car tire screeching sound) Sounds absurd, right? Heretical. So let's take a couple of steps back. Let me explain what I mean. As early as in the first chapter of the Bible it is stated that God created humans in his image and likeness (Genesis 1:27). God made us somewhat like him. Thousands of pages have been written about what it means to bear the image of God, and I do not intend in this post to develop that idea, but let’s agree on something: God is the creator, human beings are part of creation; God is the active agent, and humans are passive. And even in the face of that beautiful reality of being by design similar to God, it is also clear that we are infinitely different. Biblical history shows us not only a God who designs the universe and runs it (analogy of the watchmaker), but one who is involved in creation. Rather than remain a distant script writer or director, he enters history...